Web wanderings: Newsworthy stuff

It seems most of the US media are pro-Hamas these days, as most news stories on the conflict in Israel read like they were taken directly from Hamas press releases. Fortunately we do have other sources to which we can turn for true journalism. Perhaps not coincidentally it’s a country we often turn to in off-shoring other important work as well: India.

Here’s a news story from a reporting team from India’s NDTV in Gaza, catching footage as Hamas sets up and then fires a rocket at Israel from right next to a hotel in a populated area.

Glad to see someone still remembers what journalism means.


Meanwhile, at least two politicians have decided that if you can’t walk a mile in the other guy’s shoes, at least walk a mile in their respective districts. I applaud the idea. Even if it doesn’t bear fruit, it’s still a good idea. I hope it bears fruit, too.

And in other news, this is just cool. Dangerous, but cool:

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