It seems as though for most of my life there has been a continuous, low-level grumble over congressional district gerrymandering. So continuous, in fact, that I never really gave it much attention. It’s just another one of those things Americans love to complain about, right? And then I encountered this: The Top Ten Most Gerrymandered Congressional Districts in the United States. If you ever doubted gerrymandering happens, this is truly wince-worthy. Our political class are far too often worthy of the worst we think of them.
Projects and Progress
"Hallmark" Project
Draft 1
37,655 of 100,000 percent (37%) complete
Reading List for 2024
I am reading
- Wind and Truth, by Brandon Sanderson
- The Cardinal of the Kremlin, by Tom Clancy
I have completed:
- 1. The Final Reflection, by John M. Ford
I have abandoned:
The ‘To read’ stack:
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