Some things were meant to be

“We have a giant robot. You have a giant robot. You know what needs to happen.”

An American robotics maker has challenged a Japanese robotics maker to a duel. American company Megabot will pit its Megabot Mk. II against Suidobashi Heavy Industry’s Kuratas…perhaps next year? They’re still working out the details. All we know is that it’ll be awesome! How do we know?

What part of giant robot battle doesn’t sound awesome?

For what it’s worth, my figurative money is on the Japanese. As SHI founder Kogoro Kurata says, “We can’t let another country win this. Giant robots are Japanese culture.”

Here’s the challenge:

And here’s the acceptance:

And the world wins. Because giant robot battle.

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2 Responses to Some things were meant to be

  1. Big machines going boom. What is there to not like?

  2. I’m Ron Stratton, and I approve this message.

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