Well, it worked for Bill Clinton…

…but I can’t imagine it making it into the Animaniacs theme song.

Carly Fiorina, visiting with Jimmy Fallon on the Tonight Show, sang a song she made up about one of her dogs. When I read the description I nearly avoided it, fearing a train-wreck:


Surprise! She actually has a pretty good voice, and can hold a key. And considering how animated her face becomes, it seems like there may be a bit of a performer in there. And she makes up songs (okay, granted she stole the melody)!

Okay, this is hardly fitting criteria for choosing a leader of the free world, I admit. But her likability factor keeps going up for me. If only I weren’t a religious conservative male determined to keep women in the dark ages, I’d consider voting for her. If… only… *sigh* </sarcasm>

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