Coding with Karlie

I always like to see people who don’t just complain about things but actually do something about it. We hear a lot lately about the lack of women in STEM, and that has a lot to do with the lack of girls interested in STEM. Enter model Karlie Closs. She’s actually doing something about it, and I dare say she’ll do more actual good than all the hand-wringing articles and scientist shirt-shaming we’ve seen heretofore. And good for her. We need more of this.

And already some applications are popping up online:

My daughter, though she doesn’t care much for math or science, has learned some basic html and javascript coding just so she can make her websites cooler. And that’s where our world is headed, I think. Everything teens interact with on a regular basis runs on computer code, and many of them offer opportunities to tweak or customize that code. We don’t need to make a generation of coders, but imagine how many more young women might actually become coders if they learned how to do even simple modifications to existing code.

If Karlie Kloss kan make koding kool, I’m all for it. Go Karlie!

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2 Responses to Coding with Karlie

  1. Wait. You’re talking about free will. That wont fly at all.

  2. Dan Stratton says:

    Good for her. I like the idea. We need to treat coding just like another language, because it is quickly becoming just that – another language everyone will use. We don’t all go to France, Mexico or Germany, but knowing French, Spanish or German certainly impacts every day life. HTML, javascript or BASIC can do the same thing.

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