It seems like about this time every year I’m struggling to maintain enthusiasm. Winter, whether white or brown, just isn’t exciting anymore, but it’s still too cold to really get out and enjoy things. There’s nothing significant coming up to look forward to, either. And to top it off, this year everyone’s had a chance to catch their breath after the election and are getting back into full-throated posting about just how terribly evil and degenerate the other side is. Even my more moderate friends can’t seem to resist the urge to slip me the meme-pic middle finger at least once a day. (If you catch me over-generalizing and over-simplifying your beliefs in order to criticize or ridicule, please call me on it! I’d like to think I wouldn’t do it on purpose, but I realize that, even unintentionally, it still kinda hurts!)
My hometown is currently locked in an inversion, or something, and blue sky is rare. The valley is usually blanketed in a thick, soupy fog or smog hovering a few hundred feet off the ground. Sun-sighting are rare.
In any case, January 2017 is in full blah mode. Which makes it a good time to look at the brighter side of life. So, where do we start?
Well, for one, people are still composing amazing music so that we can party like a pirate:
Or perhaps just get a little cheerful bounce in your step (and appreciate the best, most musical use of a slide projector ever):
And if that’s not enough, I can always go for the gratuitous baby animal picture!
So smiles, everyone! Smiles!
Hey bro, want to grab a baby sloth and go on a pirate raid with me?
Thom Stratton Alright then, let’s go raid Australia! At least it’ll be warm.
Awesome! We can pillage Sydney, then drop in for tea with Wayne Chilcott! Heck, he’d probably even join us!
Sounds like an excellent plan. AVAST!
So long as we don’t tick off the native wildlife. THEY will annihilate us!